Celebrants Aotearoa Support
Posts by Celebrants Aotearoa Support for Blog

Why brides toss their bouquet
Why do brides toss their bouquet? Weddings are filled with traditions, both old and new and one of the most well known, and well used one is the bouquet toss! Read the origins of this tradition here.

A day in the life of Lynne Greer
Learn about a day in the life of Lynne Greer, a National Executive member in her second year.

Handfasting Ritual
You may have heard of a handfasting ceremony, you may even be considering one for your wedding day. Learn more about the ritual of handfasting in this blog entry!

How do wedding celebrants go about creating a bespoke ceremony for you?
Guest blogger Stuart Bloom, a Digital Content Producer and Researcher, speaks about bespoke wedding ceremonies at beautiful destinations across Aotearoa New Zealand
Read more about 'How do wedding celebrants go about creating a bespoke ceremony for you?'...

The day in the life of a celebrant
A day in the life of 'Celebrants Aotearoa' President Rachel Clarke - what it's like to be a celebrant, why she chose to become one, what she enjoys most, and more!

3 Wedding Traditions explained!
Nowadays, there are so many ways you can make your wedding unique. From skipping the traditional cake and offering a donut or cheesecake instead, to doing a ‘first look’ with your husband or wife to be.
Learn more...

Five Ideas For Your Child’s Naming Ceremony
There can be no greater love than the creation of a child, a new life, a wee miracle. And how special it is to name them among family and friends in a special ceremony.
Read more about 'Five Ideas For Your Child’s Naming Ceremony'...

Avoiding Stress On Your Wedding Day
Your wedding day is arguably one of the most stressful days of your life. Luckily, there are ways you can prepare to avoid stress on your wedding day! Click to see ideas.

Supporting Others While Supporting Ourselves
Having an active support system when we lose a loved one is so important for the grieving process, and just as important is being there to support others in our life who may be experiencing the same feelings of grief during bereavement.
Read more about 'Supporting Others While Supporting Ourselves'...

How to Remember Loved Ones
As we near closer to the festive season, grief can become more prominent for those of us who are without loved ones, making Christmas time more difficult to handle. We spoke to some of our celebrants and asked for their tips on how you can honour and remember your loved ones this Christmas.

A day in the life of Nate Dunn
A introduction to Nate Dunn: learn about and his experience with celebrancy in the three years since he began, and hear more about a day in the life of Nate.

Tips to Planning A Surprise Wedding
If you’re thinking of planning a surprise wedding, then read on as we delve into some tips and tricks for pulling off a surprise wedding, straight from some of our celebrants who have been there AND done that!