Celebrants Aotearoa will benefit you!

  • YOU receive a free listing, including your photo, on the Celebrants Aotearoa website
  • YOU gain access to resources on the Members' Only section of the Celebrants Aotearoa website
  • YOU gain access to the Celebrants Aotearoa Facebook page and Celebrants Aotearoa Chat to share ideas & resources
  • YOU receive the Celebrants Aotearoa logo on your BDM listing 
  • YOU are able to network with other celebrants through branch activities in your area
  • YOU belong to your local branch to network with other celebrants
  • YOU are able to apply to achieve VCANZ as a means of proving your commitment to ongoing professional development
  • YOU can apply to officiate registry ceremonies in your region once your VCANZ is achieved
  • YOU are protected by the Celebrants Aotearoa Public Liability Insurance


  • WE support celebrants to deliver high-quality services
  • WE promote celebrancy as a professional, societal role
  • WE influence the place of ceremony and ritual in New Zealand
  • WE maintain professional standards with our Code of Ethics and Professional Standards, VCANZ, and complaints process
  • WE provide ongoing Professional Development through Branches & National Education events
  • WE share information and news through Panui, President's Voice, Facebook and website
  • WE have a recognised programme of professional development

Click on the below thumbnail image to see full sized document.


Join Celebrants Aotearoa today here


Information on how to advertise in Pānui, our member periodical, can be found here.