Posted 4 years ago by Celebrants Aotearoa Support Less than a minute to read

We welcome Lynne Greer to the National Executives to represent the South Island. Lynne has always been passionate about Celebrants Aotearoa and what it offers its members.
“The work Celebrants Aotearoa has done to date is outstanding, especially when you know it is all done voluntarily. I hope my work with VCANZ these last three years will enable VCANZ to keep moving forward as the ongoing professional development tool it is.”
Lynne Greer
Lynne has been a celebrant for nearly 18 years. It all started when she was heavily involved in her own father’s funeral, which resulted in a dear elderly friend asking her to perform her ceremony when the time came.
Funerals are her passion, but she also loves weddings - perfect balance! Her celebrant work has led her to an ongoing path of learning.
“I am totally committed to ongoing professional development.”
Lynne Greer
Lynne has been on the Southern Branch committee for many years in different roles, and she has enjoyed creating friendships through the time spent on the committee.
Lynne and her husband, Rob, live in a beautiful community beside the beach, 15 minutes from the Dunedin CBD. They have a daughter, who is married, a son, and one grandson. She treasures time spent with her family when they can get together.