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Rachel Clarke, MN, Certificate in Celebrant studies (she/her) NE: Vice President

Kia ora koutou, ngā mihi nui ki a koutou. Ko Rachel Clarke tōku ingoa.
Registering as a celebrant 4 years ago, I quickly became involved in the life of the Wellington committee. Meeting other celebrants and the opportunity to be able to seek support from experienced celebrants ‘in person’, learning from others was invaluable. I put myself forward for the National Executive two years ago as I thought it would be fun to work alongside this amazing group of inspiring women; and it was! In May 2020, Lianne Fraser (President), Kesh Gilmour and myself continued and are now working with a new Executive team so there is heaps to learn and do but it is rewarding to make changes that continue to build our organization and our profile as celebrants. As an Exec member I am keen to be visible, approachable and responsive. Please do feel free to email me personally on any issue.
I hold the Professional Pathways and VCANZ portfolio and am committed to providing a monthly workshop to support people to understand how the VCANZ process can benefit you. As a framework it is for you; and offers the opportunity to reflect on your professional practice as a celebrant. I am also passionate about how we can embed a commitment to Te Tiriti o Waitangi into our organizational practices. I have spent quite a bit of time working with the CANZ support team to update the website so the user experience is enhanced and access to resources is more intuitive. I am excited about our new web pages on Workshop presenters, supervision and FAQs – all are works in progress, so watch this space.
I live with Mike, my marriage partner of 28 years, have three beautiful daughters – all on their own life paths now and sadly at present, no pets. The highlight of my last year and a half is moving to Featherston, renovating a colonial cottage and am in the middle of an A1 homes build of a new cottage. I jokingly tell people the new love of my life is going to be called Double Glazing!!
Phone: 027 276 1431