Posted 5 years ago Less than a minute to read

With a strong customer focus, the team at Births, Deaths and Marriages (BDM) has worked to simplify systems and in particular, make the marriage licence application more accessible. From 31 October 2018, couples are now able to make the required declaration online instead of having to travel to a registry office. As well, couples can apply and pay online to get married, pre-order a marriage certificate and get their licence emailed to them. Hooray!
Whatever your style of wedding, CANZ is an excellent place to begin your search for the right person to officiate. The Celebrants’ Association especially values ongoing professional development and has approved two celebrancy-training providers; the Celebrant School of NZ and the Celebrant Training College of NZ; both provide formal qualifications in celebrancy.
By engaging a CANZ celebrant you have an assurance of using someone from a professional body, that has always seen the importance of its members providing a consistently high level of professional and ethical service, with ceremonies personalised to suit their client's needs and wishes.