Keeping wedding venues, guests and celebrants safe from Level 2 and beyond
Organising a wedding during lockdown Level 2 and 3 is no easy feat when following the COVID regulations. We understand wedding planners have more on their plates than before.
The safety of the bride and groom, guests, the celebrant, other wedding service providers, and yourself is now the top of the priority list while trying to provide the bride and groom with their dream wedding.
We all need to work through this together to keep each other safe. So, we have put together a detailed guide for wedding planners and organisers on keeping venues, guests and celebrants safe from Level 2 and beyond.
If you are the sole organiser of the event, or you are working with a wedding or community venue manager, you might consider the following:
Keep checking the current guidelines
If you manage the event, you need to implement safe practice that meets the current guidelines when the ceremony is officiated. Check out the guidance here for weddings at alert level 2 and beyond and work with couples and venues to adhere to the necessary regulations. [https://covid19.govt.nz/activities/weddings-and-civil-unions/#weddings- and-civil-unions-at-alert-level-2]
The event organiser or the venue could make masks available to guests who have not brought one. Otherwise, people will not be able to be admitted to the event.
Physical distancing
The physical distancing required is two metres between bubbles/people you are not generally in contact with. This is two to three paces away, depending on your height. We suggest you maintain a two-metre distance from anyone not in your bubble. Seating should also be arranged so there is a two-metre distance between bubbles.
Signing in
All attendees, including staff, need to have scanned and/or signed in as required. Signing needs to be well managed, such as distancing during the signing, signing in with separate (new) pens for every individual, and using sanitiser after signing. Please note that guidelines have been developed for the recording and retention of records that meet privacy regulations. If you are managing an event as the organiser or the venue, you must have a QR code. See
See [https://www.business.govt.nz/covid-19/contact-tracing/]
Speakers and microphones
We suggest celebrants address guests/participants from a separate space to that used by other speakers. This would require the use of two microphones, so the celebrant is not sharing a mic with other speakers.
We suggest asking speakers to hand sanitise when arriving at the speaking space. See
Keep venues well ventilated
It is recommended that the venue be well ventilated between the use of different groups or events. This will only apply to you if you are responsible for the venue. See the link above.